36 Questions To Fall in Love

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What if dating was as simple as getting to know another person?

Dating doesn’t have to be a game. It can be as simple as getting to know another person. Discovering the depths of another person is only possible when we show up as our true selves, but we must be willing to let our true selves be seen too. 

How honest are your dating experiences, really? Lose the games. To make it easier, we’ve compiled 36 honest questions to fall in love 🫶

Now, take turns answering and asking each question. How do you win? Stay honest. 

Level 1 

For what in life do you feel most grateful?

What are you feeling a lot lately?

Who in your life do you feel most yourself around? Why?

What is something new you’ve learned about yourself recently?

What part of your job energizes you the most? Leaves you the most drained?

What about you has felt repeatedly misunderstood by others, if anything?

What are you overthinking right now?

What’s a non-negotiable in your life?

What does friendship mean to you?

What did the people who raised you teach you about love? How has that shaped your views on love today?

Which one of your parents’ personality traits do you want to keep? Let go of?

If you could change anything about how you were raised, what would it be? Why?



Level 2 

How do you define dating?

Describe your worst heartbreak. What did it teach you?

Has sex ever been a deal breaker in your past relationships? Explain. 

Have you ever considered an open relationship? Why or why not?

Do you have any unconventional opinions when it comes to romantic relationships?

When was the last time you ghosted someone, and why?

What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?

What dating advice would you give your younger self?

What’s the hardest part about dating you?

How has your view on love evolved, if at all?

What have you tolerated from others that you no longer have space for?

What has being single taught you about yourself?

I know I really like someone when (fill in the blank)

Share something you typically wouldn’t do on a first date. 

How emotionally available do you currently feel? 



Level 3 

What do you think I was like in high school?

Just by looking at me, what do you think I do for a living?

What was the first thing you noticed about me when we met in person?

What are your three favourite physical features of me? Write them down and read them out loud. 

What about me intrigued you besides my physical appearance?

What do you think my type is? Describe in detail. 

How many relationships do you think I’ve been in? How many times have I been in love? Explain.

What do your friends know about me, if anything?

For what in life do you feel most grateful?


Share this with someone who needs it <3





(Pics in the order they appear: Pinterest, ‘Hands’ by Tony Belobrajdic, Sundays are for lovers.)




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