6- Step Guide To Becoming The Ultimate Sex Goddess

It’s simple: we as humans were made to want, have, and enjoy sex. 

Why is it then that most people feel uncomfortable talking about sex or being talked to about sex? Why? Because shame surrounds this taboo topic. We, as a society, are reluctant to accept female sexuality in all its richness and beautiful complexity. 

Do most people act out their fantasies?

YOU can be %100 turned on by fantasy and NOT enjoy it in practice: What!?! Many of us like to feel taken, submissive, powerful, dirty, and deceitful, in the bedroom and in our minds with the help of dirty talk, fantasies, and roleplaying– that does not mean we want that Outside the bedroom or even to perform the exact fantasy itself. This can be confusing and cause us not to share our fantasies because we think there is something dark or wrong with us for having these desires. 

Remember– Whether you act on them or not, taking a closer look at your fantasies can be a healthy way to learn more about yourself, your sexuality, and your partner. Understanding the feeling you want to have in your fantasy- can help you achieve greater intimacy and sexual satisfaction with your partner. Don’t be afraid to explore what your mind is turned on by, and if you can create it in a safe space with a loving partner- GO For it. 


Here are seven steps you can take to step into your authentic sexual power- 

1) Accept your desires-

Think:  Can you think of a time when you were shamed for exploring and being curious about your sexuality? Maybe your parents thought sex was immoral, so you had to repress or tone down your sexuality for social acceptance. 

It took me years to accept that it’s natural and healthy to explore one’s body. For the longest time, I judged myself for having completely normal sexual desires and fantasies, only to later realize the shame and judgement that I internalized did not belong to me. It can be very powerful (and liberating) to learn that your desires aren’t the weird, strange, or unusual things you thought they were. 

 Allow: yourself to experience passionate and intense sexual desires without any judgements and act on that desire through safe and consensual sex. 

2) Rewrite your sexual story-

Rewriting your sexual story means looking at your sexual history and looking clearly at the experiences you’ve created and how and why you did that — the painful ones as well as the exciting ones. It’s time to look closely at the beliefs you carry around your sexuality. 

Ask yourself: how do I define myself as a sexual being? How do I express my sexuality? How do I feel about my body?

 When you work on this step, you give yourself the gift of releasing the parts of it that no longer serve you and rewriting your authentic sexual story.

3) Embrace and honour your body-

Love and celebrate your body so you can enjoy it in a way that you forgot you could or didn’t even you could. In doing so, you take your pleasure and power into your hands and build powerful sexual confidence and self-esteem. 

4) Develop your sexual love language- 

As you unlearn all the shame and guilt surrounding your sexuality, you’ll notice a powerful shift in your emotional, physical and spiritual energy. Your mind, body, and soul will be in a beautiful alignment in its most authentic power bringing you closer to your sexual love language. 

5) Create a sacred sexual practice-

 Give yourself the freedom and power to explore and enjoy your sexual needs, desires, and fantasies.  Step into your highest sexual and spiritual power by activating your daily attention to your sexuality and desires. Energy flows where attention goes!

6) Indulge in self-pleasure

Put yourself first. Even if you think you’re too busy, schedule solo-pleasure dates, even if it’s just 10 minutes. It’s where we are self-aware and, most of all, self-compassionate. Tidy up your space, and add some candles and flowers. Make a sensual playlist and do whatever is calling to you. 

Do you suppress your sexual fantasies?

Thank you, Simone. Pleasure Plus is now offering a FREE Erotic Mediation to get your mind going.




9 powerful foods for a gigantic orgasm.


(Image by dromsjel)

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