The Secret To Living A Happy Life.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be happy. Everyone I have met has a different definition of it. Lately, I have been feeling some kind of way about everything that is happening in the world. I am angry, frustrated, sad and then all of it together. I could no longer keep going like this. Everything felt like a drag. To life myself up, I decided to re-read my journals titled 'My Happy Days'. After going through all those journal entries, I realized for me happiness was synonymous with gratefulness and being content. The days…

On Becoming Actively Anti-Racist.

The recent tragedies of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have left the world in agony, outrage and doubt by the ones that should protect us. Basic fairness and justice is all that has been repeatedly asked for. And, it has not been given. I am frustrated. I am tired of being tired. If you feel the same way, then this is for you. I am no expert in anyway but here are five steps we can all take together to do better: 1) Making the goal to become Anti-Racist: In the words of Angela Davis, “ In a…

The Powerful Reason Behind Chrissy Teigen’s Cravings!!

“ I started Cravings because I wanted something for myself. I wanted something John didn’t buy.” I love Chrissy Teigen for a lot of reasons. She has consistently been hilarious, brutally honest and very relatable about a ton of issues on her social media. But, the newest reason to love her? Her tweet about the reason she started her cookbook, Cravings. Teigen reveals the reason she started Cravings was she wanted to have something that John didn’t buy for her. And honestly, is there a more honest and vulnerable statement? That statement could have come from every "housewife" who started…