Discover The World Within You While In Quarantine!

Several weeks into quarantine, how are we doing?

While we were all looking forward to soaking in the beautiful colors of spring, being on lockdown was not something anyone of us anticipated. Amid all the madness, we must take this time to pause and reflect.

On my first night in quarantine, in the comfort of my cozy bed, I started to scribble down all the things I always wanted to do but couldn’t in the hustle-bustle of life.

After completing my list, I was grinning from ear to ear. I was beyond excited to be focusing the next few weeks of my life on a ton of introspection and self-care.

Here are some ways I have been spending my days:

1) Reading more books than ever. Currently revisiting 1984.

2) Took up Spanish (Again!)

3) I am eating healthy (mostly) and sleeping on time. Creating a daily schedule has helped me have a direction that is with aim rather than aimless.

4) Staying in touch with my family and friends via facetime. Seeing their faces and listening to their voices help.

5) Trying new recipes. Tweaking the old ones.

6) It is the perfect time and excuse to binge-watch a fun Netflix series. Currently watching: The Money Heist. Highly Recommended!

7) Listening to ‘The Tim Ferris Show’ and ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ podcast. I came across another podcast titled ” My Dad Wrote a Porno” a few days ago. Listened to the first couple of episodes. So far, pretty fucking hilarious.

8) Pick up a new skill or explore an old one. I am spending time improving my writing.

9) Building new human connections via social media. Reach out to people that need it the most. We are all very vulnerable right now. Let’s not forget we are all in this together. We all need each other.

10) If you have strong opinions that can liberate and give sound advice to people. Then make videos on it, put it out there on social media. Educated and inspire the masses.

11) Learn how to paint. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Just fun! (Painting is the most relaxing and therapeutic skill)

12) Finding good home workouts. And, also going for walks can be therapeutic.

Finally, I stay relaxed and count my blessings. All we can do is grow better and stronger.

It may seem like we are on a house arrest but take this time to reconnect, reflect, meditate and discover the world within your mind.

I leave you with these spare but essential words: Wash your hands. Stay home. Be kind to one another. Look out for each other. Be responsible. Stay safe.

 P.S. Social distancing is a beautiful act of love for humanity. 


Yachna Atthi


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9 thoughts on “Discover The World Within You While In Quarantine!

  1. This is very motivating Yachana 👍🏼. I think i should have a schedule too. Im just lazy and honestly i am enjoying staying in bed all day. Today i will make a list of things i Want to and should do.
    Will be waiting for your next update ❤️
    Good luck 😘

  2. Really enjoyed this read. I love how you have a routine that you follow. But most of all I love your writing style. I’m actually trying to improve my writing too. What do you do professionally?

  3. Very motivating and I love how the blog hels inspire and give direction/ideas to do productive things during this pandemic. I will keep reading your future blogs because this one has me counting down for the second one. P.S make one soon 😁

  4. I got soo motivated after reading this, worked out so much and now everything hurts. Good stuff. Abs hurt so much i laugh and then i cry.

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