How to Become a Morning Person


Some people aren’t just naturally morning people (myself included).

Being a night owl has been my natural rhythm for as long as I can remember. My most productive hours are late at night when everything is calm and quiet.

I’ve realized that, as much as I enjoy being a night owl, I equally hate the feeling of wasting my day away. There have been many days where I woke up at noon, and it always left me feeling a bit down because I felt like I was missing out on my mornings.

I used to have a messed-up sleep schedule from all my travelling, but now that I have finally settled down, I’m savouring a consistent routine.

Waking up at 7:30 a.m. and prioritizing eight hours of beauty sleep has become my new goal. If you want to become an early bird like me, it’s all about practice and a positive mindset.


Here are some tips that have truly made a difference in helping me embrace the morning-


1. Go to bed earlyThis tip goes without saying but set an earlier bedtime so you can have good hours of peaceful sleep and wake up feeling like a beautiful princess.


2. Keep your cell phone away from your bed. You’ll sleep better, and in the morning, it will also force you to hop out of your cozy sheets to turn your phone alarm off instead of snoozing.


3. Avoid hitting the snooze button. “Just ten more minutes” is a slippery slope. End of story.


4. Schedule a morning workout in your routine. One of the things that has worked best for me is scheduling a morning workout. Even if I am feeling lazy, I never skip it. It goes without saying that starting your day with exercise increases energy and improves productivity for the day.


5. Instead of leisurely lying around in the morning, jump out of bed when you wake up. I like to make my bed right away, which stops me from getting back in. Seeing my bed neatly made when I get home evokes the same feeling of taking a nice, deep, satisfying breath of fresh air. It has been a game-changer for me. It’s a little ritual I do to make coming back home feel extra nice.


 6. Before you go to sleep, make a mental or physical checklist prioritizing your goals for the next day. This will help you wake up motivated to achieve that goal.


7. Draw your curtains back when you leave bed and let the natural light in first thing in the morning.


8. Stay Consistent. Remember that the habits you have now took years to form. Set reasonable goals and timelines to rewire them. It is not something that can happen in just a week or two. 


9. Reward yourself. Take the time to celebrate the little wins. Whether you acknowledge them in your mind or jot them down, recognize and celebrate each small accomplishment. You totally deserve to feel proud of the progress you’re making towards a healthier lifestyle.





What are some of your tips for becoming a morning person? I’d love to know in the comments.


Featured Image Credits- Pinterest 

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