Is Solo Sex Cheating?

Is Solo Sex Cheating?

So, you’ve got a lover—and things are great. 

But sometimes, you’ve just got to *ahem* take care of yourself. Is this normal? Or maybe you’ve walked in on your lover doing the same thing. That can feel awkward at best and like a betrayal at worst. 

But is it cause for concern?

That notion that you’re cheating on your lover by using your vibrator? A total myth. 

We often interpret our lover’s solo self-pleasure routine to mean that we don’t satisfy them. And that means they must not be attracted to us anymore. Not true!!

In fact, the opposite is true. 

The more you reinforce the benefits of self-pleasure as a couple and as individuals while continuing to communicate about your sex life, the better sex you’ll have. Working together to achieve billions of orgasms for everyone is part of the fun of sex in general, right?

If your or your partner feels insecure because of the other’s self-openly and honestly, this happens to the best of us; it’s best to talk it through. Reassure your lover that it has nothing to do with your feelings for your partner, or your sexual satisfaction. Remember, the journey to endless pleasure starts with open and honest communication.

Your partner does not like you indulging in self-pleasure without you. Have a conversation about it. Listen to them. It’s the unravelling of all these complex layers where we find hidden gems of intimacy and pleasure. The more you encourage the talk about your individual self-love practices in an open and honest way without judgment or shame, the better it will be for your relationship.

Self-pleasure isn’t cheating and being partnered up doesn’t constitute ownership anyhow. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, your body is your own. Why do you need someone’s permission to touch yourself? Claim your sexual agency. Take ownership of your body and its needs.

It simply comes down to a person doing what they want, and it’s an amazing way to love yourself and get in touch with your own energy. Self-pleasure with intention, and really feel yourself. Like with any self-care practice, if you focus on your creativity and positivity, you can use the powerful energy to help you through the day.

This post first appeared on The Pleasure Plus. Written by yours truly 🙂




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(Image by Lara Blacklock)


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