New Moon in Scorpio

The Scorpio New Moon greets us today.

The enigmatic Scorpio sign is all about exploring our deepest emotions and uncovering what’s hidden. This moon is one of the most intense of the year as it brings up emotions deeply buried in our minds. You’ll feel deeply emotional, even more connected to your intuition and willing to dive deep into powerful, complex feelings.

Tonight’s new Moon is rich with magic if you’re willing to roll with its waves. When the Luna is in this phase, you can barely see it, and the sky can appear black. Similarly, we harness the new Luna energy to explore our deepest emotions and uncover what’s hidden.

In love, it means taking a deeper dive into the heart of our relationships as we allow waves of feelings to wash over us.

Is there a toxic situation you’re finally ready to cut out of your life to make room for the person of your dreams? Are you flowing with love, or is there underlying guilt, shame, or resentment? It’s a great time to trust in the magic of new beginnings, especially in love. And, beginnings require: letting go of the past.

Scorpio has earned its reputation for being the sex sign of the zodiac. With the new Moon in Scorpio, restart with a fresh slate as we dial into our most intimate passions. Bravely step out of your comfort zone and open pleasure portals in your life. Try out new things in bed with a partner or solo. This could mean experimenting with a new sex toy or finally exploring a new role-play scenario.

Break out of restrictive habits and replace them with life-enhancing rituals! Brings serenity to your life so that you can relax and enjoy pleasure.

This new moon lean towards your inner introvert. Spend some time in solitude. Take time to sit with your emotions to look for their deeper meanings. The scorpions are the alchemists of the zodiac. Once you shine a light on the darker parts of yourself, you have a chance to heal and transform those things, turning them into strength. Yes, the process is intense, but that’s what Scorpio is all about. Enjoy the journey.

Stand tall in your spiritual strength while still surrendering to the universal flow. Always remember that the most powerful ingredient in any magic is you.




Letters to Luna

(Featured image by womensmagick)


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