Pregnancy Survival Guide: Third Trimester

Hoorayyy! You’ve made it to the third trimester. The third trimester is from week 27 to the end of pregnancy. While you may be ready to have your little one in your arms by this point but your baby still has growing to do. While you patiently wait to move on to the next stage, this post outlines tips for a healthier and relaxed third trimester.

What does the third trimester feel like?

When asked to describe her experience of the third trimester, a pregnant mom describes it by saying, “The third trimester feels similar to the first trimester because the exhaustion and constant peeing come back. You’re experiencing a huge discomfort as your belly gets bigger; you have to re-strategize how to do your daily routine. Like, shaving your legs is a whole workout, and the process and prep for switching sides when laying down is a struggle.”  

 Despite all the physical and emotional challenges, most moms would never trade this magical feeling for anything in the world. The biggest reward, one mom adds, is “when you feel your baby kick and move around to the sound of your voice or your touch. The feeling and sensation inside honestly feel like magic. Like every single time, it’s like, whoa, you’re alive inside of me.”

With a few more months to go, I have a few tips to make your last stretch a bit more easy and comfortable:

1) Support team of new/experienced moms:

Moms know the best. The quote ” life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother,” isn’t just said for no reason. They magically have cure to every problem you have. I’ll never know their secrets. So, now would be a good time to pick their brains. A pregnant mom shares, “there have been multiple times where my thoughts almost eat me alive, talking to experienced moms eased up all of my worries and anxieties about a lot of things.” 

2) Belly butter for the stretch marks: 

Pregnancy and stretch marks go hand-in-hand. As the baby grows in your womb, naturally, your skin would get some stretch marks that should otherwise be called your badge of honour.

Recalling how she sought relief to her stretch marks, a mama states, “my stretch marks happened so fast and so quickly, so that’s another thing that’s been hard to cope with considering stretch marks was a huge insecurity of mine. Loading up on body butter is going to be a lifesaver for you. ” I alternate between bio-oil, shea butter, coconut oil, and almond oil,” she adds. So, load up on the belly butter!!!

3) To breastfeed or to not breastfeed: 

The decision to breastfeed or not to for your baby is a very personal one. The best way to decide would be to learn more about this process by reading books, we recommend this one or proactively speaking to different moms on online facebook groups or on quora.

There’s still a lot of stigma with the need to breastfeed, and it may look like something easy and natural to do. But, the reality is that it’s not a breeze. One mama mentions, “I am under pressure by the older female generation in my family to breastfeed successfully, but the reality is that for a lot of women, it’s challenging than you can imagine. So, do your research.”

4) Excercise:

Feeling tired and exhausted most of the time is entirely normal during the third trimester of pregnancy, and rightly so. But, encourage yourself to do light exercise daily. A long walk, swimming or yoga class will make for a healthier pregnancy and help you sleep at night. Additionally, adding a few gentle leg stretches may help to reduce leg cramping at night.

5) Keep track of baby’s movements: 

As the baby grows bigger, there is little room for movement due to your uterus being crowded. It’s always good to keep track of your baby’s movements. And, contact your doctor immediately if you notice a decrease in the baby’s movements. 

Kick Counter app is the most highly recommended one from a few different people and articles. It’s good to start maybe once a day when you know the baby is awake, but as you progress, count more often because, by that time, your baby should have a more consistent period of when they’re awake. 

6) Create a birth plan: 

It’s always best to make one so that there is a general idea of how you want things to go in case of an emergency. For instance- what kind of delivery do you want: C-section, natural or water. Decide on whether you want an epidural or not. And, finally, who you want in the room with you. 

7) Pick a hospital to give birth in:

If you have a specific doctor you are comfortable with, ask for their professional advice on the hospitals they recommend. Research your local hospitals that are close in proximity, have top-quality doctors and medical staff, or even get reviews and feedback from other mothers to help you make this decision. 

8) Eat healthy food: 

Now more than ever, it’s essential you eat well balanced and healthy meals because the baby gets all its nutrients from you directly. 

a) Eat small frequent meals:

“Everything feels so squished up in your body, so you can’t eat much at once. So eat small meals but increase the number of meals. Also, you continuously eat because you’re incredibly hungry all the time”, adds another new mom. 

b) Be cautious of the sugar content:

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of nutrients for pregnant women. But, one has to consider the portions of the fruits. “I failed my first diabetes test, and it was because of eating too many fruits. I was shocked to learn the sugar content of fruits, and it’s been a challenge trying to minimize the number of fruits,” advises a mother. When it comes to your diet, eat everything in moderation. 

9) Getting good sleep:

Your body has grown so much in so little time; the discomfort during this stage of pregnancy can break up a woman’s sleep cycle. Recalling the last few weeks of pregnancy, a mama reveals, “sleeping is so hard I would have to find the one position that was comfortable and then stay there, but not too long because I would get these killer leg cramps.”

If sleep is something you (like all pregnant moms) struggling with, try these easy fixes-

 a) Pillows: If you have trouble getting comfy in bed, get creative with your pillows. Use them to support your body parts that feel uncomfortable. Pro tip: many women find folding a pillow over, and placing between the legs can help. We recommend using a pregnancy pillow.

  b) Environment: Make sure your environment is right for sleeping. Please switch off the TV or laptop, turn the lights off and make sure the window is open for fresh air. Pregnant women tend to feel hotter, so make sure the room is cool enough. 

Finally, If you still have trouble falling asleep, try reading a book for a while and have a warm glass of milk with turmeric.

10) Stay hydrated: 

It is essential to stay hydrated as your kidneys are now ‘peeing for two’ and will be filtering up more blood than usual. So, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. Like most mothers, if you need to track your water intake, we recommend buying this super cute water bottle that exactly does that. 

11) Relax and self-care: 

While it’s completely normal to be stressed and feel anxious during pregnancy, you must keep your calm and stay relaxed. If you’re feeling tense, take a warm bath just before bed and try a few deep breathing or relaxation exercises.

Moms start to experience a lot of stress as they mentally prepare for this new role and chapter of life. Self-care is so essential during this time. “I’ve been journaling my journey and doing the paint by number canvases,” states a mom. Stretching and yoga are other super useful things, especially with all the back pain you feel due to pregnancy. 

12) Enjoy some alone time:

This is the only time you’re going to have for yourself before the baby arrives, so enjoy it as much as possible. 

I hope this helps. All the best! Most of all, sending you all virtual kisses and pats on your beautiful pregnant bellies. Take gentle care of yourselves during this magical time of your life. 

What pregnancy tips would you share? Did you have any unusual cravings? Anything else that you would like to share? I’d love to know in the comments below. 




More tips for first trimester and second trimester.

(Picture credits Gigi Hadid, Kylie Jenner, Shay Mitchell, thebirdspapaya, blossomingbirds,)


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