The Art of Yoni Steaming.

The other day I did something incredible that I had never come across before. It’s called Yoni (Vaginal) Steaming. Maybe you have heard of it. Perhaps you haven’t. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina that translates to “a sacred space.” Beautiful. Isn’t it?

During the two hours of doing my first Yoni Steaming together (virtually) with Simone, I learnt about the art of deeply caring for your body, your womb space, and that beautiful yoni of yours. It reminded me how essential it was to take the time to sit and cultivate a deeper connection to your feminine wisdom. It was an experience that I didn’t know was so desperately needed in my life.

Between menstruation, sexual intercourse, and childbirth, the vagina withstands a lot. When you add changing hormones and pelvic floor issues to the mix, sometimes the vaginal area is anything but comfortable. That’s why the ancient practice of yoni steaming is coming back. 

Below, learn all about this beautiful spiritual ritual to connect deeply with your yoni. Remember, yoni care is self-care. 

What is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni steams are a holistic health practice where a woman straddles (sits) over steaming water with a combination of herbs (basically, a warm cup of herbal tea).

The warmth of the steam softens and opens the pores of the vaginal and vulvar skin. You sit and receive the warmth of the herbal healing steam. Then, the herbs absorb into the skin and uterus, leaving your yoni and you relaxed and rejuvenated from inside out. 

Stay with me, as we’ll be going over all the juicy details to safely practise this ritual in the comfort of your house. 

Remember: You never want to steam while you are bleeding. It’s to be done 3 days before your cycle or 3 days after your cycle ends. Or once every week. 

Herb Blends:

You can incorporate so many healing herbs in your Yoni Steaming practice, make it your own, and get witchy. The process of creating your own blend in itself is a very soothing ritual and can be a way to step into your sensuality. Incorporating herbs in my yoni steams is one of my favourite things about the ritual, and it really gets me deep into my body. ⠀⠀

Simone recommended a few of the following healing herbs that I used for my Yoni Steaming-

1) Lavender 

You can use the tea bags too! It’s a disinfecting herb. In case you have dampness that causes UTI. It will help clear and dry out the dampness in the uterus. Plus, it’s aromatherapy, and part of the ritual is aromatherapy. 

2)Rose Petals

Rose petals are cleansing herb by the Chinese medicine standard. They are blood movers; they will create a movement of blood in the body. This is for somebody who cramps a lot. It’s not suitable for someone who spots/bleeds a lot. 

3) Nettle

Also known as birth and kidney tonic. It helps hydrate the body and brings a lot of moisture. It’s a high nutrient and rich in Vitamin B and Iron. As we steam with nettles, it replenishes our bodies with these properties. 


Directions For Yoni Steaming At Home

Tried and tested by Simone at her sex workshops, here are the directions to safely practise yoni steaming at home:

1) In a medium-sized pot, pour roughly about 8-10 cups of water. 

2) Boil water in a steam pot soaking your herbs in it. Do not add or use any essential oils, as they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue. 

3) Bring the water to a boil for about 5 minutes. 

4) Then, turn off the heat and let the herbs steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on. 

5) Now, it’s essential to test the temperature of the steam before using it. If it’s too hot, let it sit for 15 seconds and re-test it. Only go ahead if you feel comfortable with the temperature of the steam. 

6) Pour the water into a pot, and cover the pot with a towel. 

7) Remove your underwear and straddle above the steaming pot. 

8) Wrap a large blanket or a wrapping around your waist, making sure no steam escapes. 

9) You should feel comforting warm heat for about 15 minutes before the steam dies down. 

During The Steam- You sit and receive the moist warmth of the healing steam. It enters your body directly through your yoni and penetrates to your uterus, pelvis, and even up through a deep central channel connecting to your heart so you can feel better in your body and your life.⠀

After the steam – “we gift the sacred waters back to a plant or tree to offer out prayers, release our stagnation and gift seeds for growth.”

Please note: don’t steam for longer than 15 minutes if you have an IUD.

What To Expect After The Steaming Ritual?

After a V steam, some may notice more moisture immediately or shortly after steam. This is due to the radiant warmth of the far-infrared heat, which penetrates deeply into the muscles and tissues of the vagina, and increases oxygen flow and circulation to remove impurities and harmful toxins such as cholesterol and heavy metals-much like with a standard sauna treatment.

The warmth of the steam softens and opens the pores of the vaginal and vulvar skin. You sit and receive the warmth of the herbal healing steam. Then, the herbs absorb into the skin and uterus, leaving your yoni and you relaxed and rejuvenated from inside out. 


During my session with Simone, she took the time to walk me through a wide range of benefits that Yoni Steaming gives to your body. Here are a few of them:

1) Helps heal bad cramps/PMS:

The stream flows into the Vaginal Canal, helping soften and release any stagnation and regulating the uterine lining, therefore relieving camps. 

2) Helps decrease chances of vaginal infections:

Infections are a result of left residue from sex, menstrual cycles and stagnation. When the lining is not completely cleared in our cycles, it is like a leftover residue, worsening when we stress the body. 

Steaming helps clean and clear the uterus of any bacteria or dormant dampness that creates a home for these bacteria. 

3) Helps with remedying painful intercourse:

Think of steaming like foreplay; women need 20-40 min to become completely aroused-meaning for our erectile tissue to engorge and thus produce the lubrication and padding around our vaginal canal for repetitive penetration.

4) Connect to your wisdom and feminity:

When we spend time intimately in our womb and genitals, we get to know our body, patterns, discomfort, and messages.

 These traditions have been lost to us in the western world. As you steam, you will gain more insight into your body and what you need. 

5) Promotes restful sleep. 

6) Assists in creating regular cycles. 

7) Decreases chance of cysts, fibroids, and endometriosis. 

Finally, sharing this beautiful message from Simone.

” Steaming is a tool that can help release heavy emotions out of the body. When we have a safe space in our own home on our own time to connect and release the damage, pain, memories stored in our body, we can heal. I know this from personally healing the effects of a toxic relationship. When we are with people that dim our light, that have intentions of hurting rather than loving us, and we let them, our energy changes, our self-worth changes. We are incapacitated on many major energetic levels. We frankly don’t want to be sexual or fall into patterns of wanting it from unhealthy partners. That is why Sex healing check-in and tune-ups are essential!⠀⠀⠀

Thank you, Simone. You can follow her online community, Pleasure Plus for all the juicy and sensual tips.

Take time this weekend to sit and connect with yourself. Remember, yoni care is self-care!


The art of self pleasure.



(Images: Pleasure Plus)


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