How to Not Commit Murder During PMS


The other day was really tough for me. I was hit with some intense PMS and ended up breaking down in tears for  no reason, which was frustrating. On top of that, during this time, I feel so blah and less than confident about myself, and when I look in the mirror, I feel like I look like Shrek!

Can you relate?

And don’t even get me started on the intense anger and irritability that I felt. It was too much to handle. I was picking up fights with my boyfriend for things that happened six months I ago. It was intense, to say the least.

However, I’ve learned that there are strategies we can use to help us feel our best during this time. It all starts with responding to ourselves with love and respect.

Doing so allows us to embrace our femininity and feel confident in our skin. That’s why I want to share with you some functional strategies that have helped me feel empowered, confident, and beautiful during PMS .

Let’s dive in!


1. Get in a workout

I hear you.

During PMS, you feel completely drained and exhausted, and you don’t want to leave your cozy bed, let alone hit the gym.

But trust me, you don’t need to lift weights like a pro athlete to reap the benefits of exercise.

As someone who regularly jogs, I know that exercise can make a world of difference in easing PMS symptoms.

There’s no need to push yourself too hard. Try some light stretching, yoga, or simply going for a stroll. The important thing is to get moving.

Exercise releases happy hormones, and happy people don’t commit murder – it’s science! So, taking good care of yourself during this time is essential to help ease those monstrous PMS symptoms.



2. Eat nutritious food

Did you know that eating magnesium-rich foods can do wonders for your health? That’s right! Foods like avocados, nuts, and seeds are not only delicious but also great for your health. I have experienced it personally, and I can tell you that a magnesium deficiency can lead to migraines and worsen PMS symptoms, including bloating, dizziness, fluid retention, and sugar cravings. Trust me, I’ve experienced it firsthand. 

Eating a balanced diet that includes tons of leafy greens, smoothies, oats, and fresh vegetable soup is essential to feel comfortable in your body. After all, you are what you eat! 

I always try to avoid salty and processed foods. However, let’s be honest; unhealthy food cravings can be tough to resist. Listen to your body and indulge in those cravings, like spicy BBQ fries or chocolate, even if they’re unhealthy.

While I try to avoid them for most of the month, a few days before my period, I let myself indulge in specific irresistible cravings. Ignoring them only makes them worse, leading to unhealthy binging. So, take care of yourself and enjoy the foods you love.


3. Pamper yourself

We all know that every woman is unique, and so are her PMS symptoms. But guess what—there’s something universal that can help us all feel better during that time of the month—and that’s pampering ourselves! 

Treat yourself to a luxurious spa appointment, get a fabulous mani-pedi, indulge in a relaxing massage, take a long and soothing bath with Epsom salts and essential oils, and add a little softness to your life. How amazing does that sound?

Remember, the key to surviving PMS is to be kind and respectful to yourself. So go ahead and pamper yourself, girl!


4.  Sleep

Have you ever felt the magic of a good night’s sleep or a cozy nap during the day? It’s truly a wonderful feeling! And let me tell you, nothing should ever come between you and your precious sleep. Especially when dealing with PMS, fatigue and exhaustion can be real struggles. But don’t worry. The best thing you can do is to take a nap and let your mind and body relax and recharge. Your well-being is worth it!



5. Meditation

Feeling moody and all over the place during PMS is the worst. I’ve found a little trick that helps me stay grounded and calm my mind. Want to hear it? Meditating takes 10 to 20 minutes out of my day, and it works wonders! I sit still, take deep breaths, and listen to some OM chanting or a guided meditation from the Waking Up app. It works like magic, I tell you! Just give yourself a break for a few minutes and see how it does wonders for your mental health.



6. Track your period

Are you struggling to keep track of your periods and their symptoms? Well, worry no more! Apps like Clue have been super effective in helping women manage their periods. I’ve been using Clue for years, and it’s been a real game-changer. It allows me to keep a digital diary of my PMS and period symptoms, which helps me predict and track my triggers, mood, productivity, and energy levels. And if that’s not enough, it even sends me reminders when I’m about to start my period!

 So, my dear friend, don’t wait any longer if you’re not already tracking your period. Download the Clue today and experience the benefits for yourself!




Would you add anything to this list? I’d love to know in the comments below. If you find this useful, consider sharing it with a friend to help spread the word. Sending hugs and kisses :*






Juicy tips for hot period sex, & self-care rituals to nourish your sensuality <3


Pic/ Art Credits- Pinterest 





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