6 Things Guys Do When They Don’t Like You


Attention ladies!

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering whether the guy you’re talking to is really into you, then listen up.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.

I’ve been talking to some of my friends and noticed that many girls miss the critical signs that he’s just not that into you.

So, if your bestie is a bit delulu when it comes to love, pass this on to her!


1. Leaving you on delivered/seen

Listen up: sending a text takes only three seconds. So if a guy claims he’s too busy to reply to you or can’t be bothered to make an effort, drop him like a hot potato. If he constantly leaves you hanging, it’s time to show him the door. Just drop him and move on, girl! You deserve someone who values your time and effort. 


2. Cancelling plans last minute 

Let me paint a picture for you: it’s date night, and you’re feeling absolutely fantastic. You’ve gone the extra mile, shaving even where you’re not supposed to shave, picked out the perfect outfit after trying on every piece of clothing in your closet, and did your makeup flawlessly. 

And just when you’re about to head out the door, your date hits you with the classic “Oh, I have a work thing…” excuse. Come on, let’s be honest here. Guys will do anything to spend time with the girl they like – I’m talking about moving mountains if they have to. 


3. He’s breadcrumbing you

His replies start getting super dry out of nowhere. I am talking about a short, boring, one-word response. Or worse, leaving you on read.  

 You might think, “Maybe he’s just busy,” but then he suddenly texts you again after a few days and disappears again after a couple of messages. Trust me, he’s just leading you on with breadcrumbs. Don’t fall for it!

He’s not fully ghosting you yet. He’s keeping you around. 

You might think, “Well, he’s liking my stories and posts, so he must be into me.” Yeah, that’s a breadcrumb too. 

Ladies, take note: guys never change their energy with the girls they really like.


4. He doesn’t initiate contact 

You’re always initiating conversations or sending the first text, and it feels like the other person isn’t as interested as you are.

“Look! he was so nice and flirty in response, and we actually had such a fun conversation.” you might tell your friend. 

Yes, he may be lovely and flirty in his responses, but have you ever noticed that he rarely reaches out to you first? This is what gets a lot of women confused.

 I mean, you’re getting all these mixed signals from him, but is he really that interested if he’s not making an effort to talk to you? 

Instead of getting caught up in his responses, ask yourself how often he’s starting the conversation. That’s what really matters.


5. He’s playing hard to get

Girlfriend! Let me tell you this: there’s no such thing as he’s playing hard to get. You’re playing too hard to get rid of. Ouch!!! I know it’s harsh, but there’s someone better for you. Let that man go!!!!


6. You just know

If a guy is into you, it’s pretty damn obvious. You don’t need to go all Nancy Drew trying to uncover hidden clues or secret codes. It’s as clear as day when a guy wants to be with you. 

And if you’re questioning whether he’s into you, chances are he’s not. 

Let’s be real – if you have to resort to tarot cards to figure out if he likes you, he’s probably not worth your time. 

When a guy wants you, he won’t make it a mystery. He won’t try to play games or confuse you. Instead, he’ll make it crystal clear that he’s interested in you.




I am just telling you this…so you don’t waste your time on a man who’s probably texting another girl as you read this post.

I know the feeling when you’re hopelessly waiting for someone who’s probably not even thinking about you. Yeah, it sucks. But you don’t have to put up with it!

Ladies, you deserve nothing but the purest and most genuine love. You deserve to be adored and spoiled by all the love and attention. Don’t settle for less, especially when someone shows you they’re uninterested.

Trust me, I know it’s easier said than done, but you should never have to beg for love and attention. You should be overflowing with it!

And you should never feel like your standards are too high. You are amazing and deserve someone who makes you feel that way.

So don’t waste your time on someone who’s not obsessed with you (in a healthy way, of course).

Instead, hold out for someone who truly appreciates everything that makes you unique and special.




Is there anything you’d add to this list? I’d love to hear some of your experiences in the comments below. Stay safe and make smart decisions y’all <3  :*











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