Let Go Of The People Who Aren’t Ready to Love You


During a recent conversation with a friend, she opened up to me about a guy she’s dating.

She expressed her frustration saying that she knows she should let go of this guy, as she is tired of all the excuses he gives her.

Something she said really struck me. She said that a part of her is terrified to let go because she is afraid that if she does, it will be the end of everything, and she’ll never hear from him again.

Despite his indifference towards her, she finds it hard to walk away, knowing that ending things will make it permanent, and she’s not ready for that kind of finality.

Her words really resonated with me, and I could feel the weight of her emotions.

If you, too, are going through this, I am really sorry. It’s a tough time, and you might feel lonely and isolated. Don’t let this get the best of you. It may be painful right now, but the winter never lasts forever- brighter days are ahead.

It’ll be the most difficult and important thing you’ll do for yourself.

The truth is, it’s never easy to let go of someone, even when we know it’s for the best. But sometimes, holding on can cause us more pain in the long run.

If you find yourself being constantly left out, easily forgotten, and fading away from someone’s life, don’t fight to earn a spot in their life.

It’s so tempting to try harder and impress them, thinking that flipping over backwards will make you special to them. It won’t.

You are doing yourself a huge disservice by constantly pushing yourself into someone’s life.

You are worth more than someone who is indifferent to your presence or absence. It’s the worst feeling to be treated like you don’t matter or are insignificant.

Yeah, it might hurt, but the truth is, you don’t always get to know why things happen. Stop giving your love to those who aren’t ready to love you.

Accept this loss with class and grace because the truth is, you’ll never be enough for someone who isn’t ready for what you have to offer.

You can’t allow just anyone to enter your life. That’s not bad bitch behaviour. You must have strong boundaries and be willing to cut ties with anyone who doesn’t treat you with the respect and care you deserve.

So, stop being sad.

Pick yourself up, pour your energy into self-improvement, and watch how much progress you make.

We can’t be everything to everyone, and that’s okay. We should focus on being everything to ourselves.

When you truly understand your worth and prioritize high-value, meaningful connections, you’ll attract people who align with your frequency.

And, when we are true to ourselves, we don’t have to force ourselves into someone else’s life.

Yes, your heart is broken, and life is dark….wait in the darkness for a little bit.

And then…

You’ll meet so many wonderful people who’ll love and care for you just as much as you do for them.

Stay positive and keep shining – you deserve the best, so make space for it!






if you are sad and heartbroken, this is for you. 


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